Mission Statement:

May we state that we are keenly aware of our responsibility to the community to provide a safe and decorous place of amusement. As such our rules of conduct and of dress are dictated by those of good taste.and are strictly enforced. We solicit the patronage only of those who wish to comply.


Please take notice. Roller Skating is a strenuous and fast moving sport. By putting on roller skates and participating in this form of recreation you are personally assuming the risk of an accident inherent in this and any particular sports. It is in the nature of this recreation that people fall down or run into one another on occasion. If you are not willing to assume that risk, please do not roller skate here. If you doubt your ability to roller skate, please consider this notice before proceeding onto the floor. We cannot be responsible for any injuries which occur to our patrons while they are present in this facility.

Rules and Regulations:

These Rules and Regulations of conduct are designed for the SAFETY and overall ENJOYMENT of every patron.

1. Loitering is NOT allowed inside or outside the building. This includes Funtime's parking lot or any property adjacent to Funtime.

2. Obey the floor guards' requests at all times. Please DO NOT argue with them. They are completely in charge of the skating floor. If you have a disagreement or feel you have been treated unjustly, please discuss with the Manager on duty.

3. Fast skating is NOT allowed. If you are continually passing more skaters than are passing you, you are skatin too fast.

4. No games other than those organized by Funtime are to be played on or off the skating floor. This includes chasing, playing tag, making trains follow the leader, etc.

5. If you are on the skating floor you should be moving at all times. If you want to talk with your friends or watch the other skaters, please go off the skating floor.

6. Please do not sit on or climb on the safety rails around the skate floor at any time.

7. Jumps and spins are NOT allowed except during specials provided for these,

8. No electronic devices are allowed on the skating surface. This includes cell phones, and the use of earbuds.

9. No "Hanky Panky". This is a FAMILY recreation center, kissing and hugging are not allowed.

10. Cursing and swearing is never permitted at Funtime.

11. Smoking is strictly prohibited in or around our facility.

12. Due to the damage and expensive process of cleaning up afterwards gum chewing is not allowed.

14. Please do enjoy our concession bar selections. Food and drinks are NOT allowed on the skate floor. They must remain in the off-skate area. No outside food or drinks may be brought into the skating center unless permitted as part of a booked group.

14. No fighting of any kind, even in jest. If you are having a problem with another skater, inform the floor guard or the Manager on duty. Taking the matter into your own hands will result in your removal from Funtime.

15. No weapons of any kind are permitted inside the skating rink for any reason.

16. Please return rental skates to the skate counter when you are done skating, also please tuck the laces into the top of the skate boot,

17. Please do not abuse electronic video games at any time. These are not the property of Funtime and are there for your amusement. You will be held responsible for any damage resulting from abuse. There are no refunds for lost quarters.

While these rules and regulations seem numerous and sometimes "petty", they have been designed to provide a safe atmosphere and fun environment to enjoy the sport of roller skating. We feel everyone has the right to expect an enjoyable time for their money and not to have their experience ruined by a few individuals who like to have fun at the expense of others. If you have questions about the reasons behind these "rules and regulations" please do not hesitate to discuss them with the management.

We will be more than happy to explain them to you. We only wish to solicit the patronage of those who obey these rules.

Dress Code:

1. Must be clean and neat.

2. No low cuts or cut offs

3. No bare mid-riffs or see through tops

4. No Shorts

5. No hats or headgear

6. No bare feet

7. No tank tops, muscle shirts or T-shirts with advertising.

8. No halters

9. Pants must be worn at the waist

10. Undergarments should never be visible.